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// Set the date we're counting down to var countDownDate = new Date("Feb 27 2020 12:00:00").getTime(); // Update the count down every 1 second var x = setInterval(function() { // Get todays date and time var now = new Date().getTime(); // Find the distance between now an the count down dYour email address has been added to our mailing list and you will receive our next newsletter!
A publication by and for the community of scientists, clinicians and teachers working at the interface of medicine and public health.
The online publication from Wenner-Gren Foundation.
Our bodies, from our minds to our immune systems, reflect biological adaptations exquisitely shaped by the selection processes of our ancestors. This evolutionary heritage presents both opportunities and obstacles to enhancing human health in today’s world. The EvMedBlog, hosted by the Center for Evolution and Medicine at ASU, brings together essays by core CEM Faculty, guest experts and affiliated scientists to elucidate human health and disease through an evolutionary lens.
This will be the future homepage for CEM.