"Depicting population structure and adaptive events along the Italian Peninsula: implications for susceptibility to diseases"
Marco Sazzini
Department of Biological, Geological & Environmental Sciences
University of Bologna, Italy
Anthropological Evolutionary Genomics; Human Adaptation, Population Structure, Genome Wide Association Studies Due to its pivotal geographical position, the Italian Peninsula has long represented a natural hub for human migrations, enabling direct connection between the
"Integrating evolutionary science into medical education"
Mark Schwartz
New York University

When medical students are stimulated to engage with evolutionary medicine questions, they are fascinated and hungry to learn more. However, opportunities are limited for deeper learning of how evolutionary science applies to health and disease.

ISEMPH Society Meeting 
  • President: Randolph Nesse
  • Treasurer: Cynthia Beall
  • Secretary: Peter Gluckman


ISEMPH Welcome Remarks
Dean Garcia-Pichel and Manfred Laubichler
(On behalf of Provost Page) 
ISEMPH Flash Talks
Chair: Anne Stone 
Last names Q-Z
*Flash talks are short, rapid oral presentations meant to encourage the listener to view a poster containing comprehensive research and analysis following the flash talk session.