India Schneider-Crease will be talking about her research at this CEMinar. Infectious disease affects the lives and economies of communities all over the world, with disproportionate impacts in developing parts of the world. India's research program centers on understanding the social and environmental drivers of susceptibility to parasitic diseases in humans and animals, with the ultimate goal of informing public health and conservation programs.

India's research focuses primarily on neglected tropical diseases with wildlife reservoirs that are increasingly likely to emerge in vulnerable populations as the human-wildlife interface expands. She uses molecular, parasitological, immunological and demographic tools to asses determinants of susceptibility to, distribution of and effects of parasite infections, working primarily with geladas (Theropithecus gelada), primates endemic to Ethiopia.

India is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Center for Evolution and Medicine at Arizona State University.

Speaker Name
India Schneider-Crease
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